Food Chain

The Challenge

The goal is to create an educational video for Sesame Street. This project will combine all our knowledge of 2D and 3D animation as well as the hand skills learned in Animation Techniques to create a whimsical, tactile and fun animation for one of the world's most successful franchises.

Exploring 5 different mediums in this animation, seamlessly combine: 2D animation, Hand Drawn, Stop-Motion, 3D Animation & Live-Action.

Designed & animated by Olive Mei and Sehee Kim

The Food Chain

A food chain is a way to show how energy and nutrients are passed from one organism to another in the ecosystem. Plants (producers) are at the base. Herbivores (primary consumers) eat the plants, then carnivores (secondary consumers) eat the herbivores. There might be tertiary consumers that eat the carnivores, and so on. Decomposers break down the remains of dead organisms, returning nutrients to the soil, which in turn nourishes the plants, restarting the cycle.

Design Approaches

Direction 1: 2.5D stage puppet dominate

Direction 2: 3D dominate

Style Frames


Cel animated face expression on 3d elements.



Live Action for burping.



Stop motion for worm’s reaction.

